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Sermons for November

Gratitude. It's more than a feeling or a fleeting expression of thanks. It's a stance—an outlook on life—that transforms the thing, the noun, gratitude, into action. During November our learning and worship theme is Gratitude. Let's bring attention and intention to aspects of life for which we are grateful. And couple that attention with action. Pet the dog. Water a plant. Smile at a neighbor. Notice each bite of food and send quiet thanks to the Earth and the many people who cultivated it, delivered it, cooked it, served it. Express thanks directly to whomever you can for whatever it is they bring to your life. Commit random acts of kindness and intentional acts of gratitude.

~ Rev. Jaye

Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice

Rev. Jaye Brooks
November 5


During November, when the learning and worship theme is Gratitude, let's experiment with gratitude as a spiritual practice. Look around—pay attention to the people whose deeds move you to a feeling of gratitude. How can you express your gratitude? Maybe there's a small act of kindness that you can couple with the words, I’m grateful, thank you. Try it. How does it make you feel to express gratitude out loud? This Sunday morning, let's embark on gratitude as a spiritual practice by noticing, and expressing, gratitude every day.

Greetings to the Natural World

Buffalo Trace Society
November 12


The Buffalo Trace Society will share, and we will participate in, a special service which will include the Haudenosaunee Iroquois Thanksgiving Address: Greetings to the Natural World. As we greet members of the Natural World, individuals will read a brief paragraph of greeting to each of the element: People, Earth Mother, Waters, Fish, Plants, Food Plants, Medicine Herbs, Animals, Trees, Birds, Four Winds, Thunderers, Sun, Grandmother Moon, Stars, Enlightened Teachers, The Creator. We will be placing a symbol of each of these elements on a ceremonial altar.

Please consider bringing a small symbol for one or more of the elements that speaks to your heart. Reach out to Ron Henry or Kimberly Roberts if you would like to read one or more of the 18 paragraphs. We will be sharing our joys and concerns by lighting a traditional candle or putting a prayer into the Sacred Pipe. Native American flute song will bless our special time together. Our youth are especially welcome during this service.

The Bread on Our Table

Rev. Jaye Brooks and Jenn Blosser
November 19


In this service for all ages, families are invited to bring their favorite bread—including rolls, bagels, muffins, tortillas, biscuits, lavash, baguettes, pretzels naan focaccia, pineapple buns, poori, pupas, injera—whatever is in your family tradition. There will be a time in the service for adults and children to say what kind of bread they’ve brought and why it’s a family favorite. A story links this service together, with children taking key roles. As a loving religious community, we will find many reasons to be grateful.

Pursuing Liberation

Worship Committee and UUSC
November 26


Join us for this year’s Guest at Your Table program to learn what UUSC partners are doing to address immediate injustices – as well as the collective liberation they envision for the future. At this extraordinary juncture in history, we think their stories will offer inspiration and guidance on the path toward justice and liberation for all. See the article in the Newsletter for more information about the program.