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Services for March

Sunday 10:30 - 11:30 am

Trust. During March our learning and worship theme is Trust. I've been thinking about how hard it is to trust when the world seems upside down. But then I realized the whole point of a UU community is that together we create a place where we can be united even in our diversity; a place where we can lean on each other when we need support; a place where we can know that we are welcome as our authentic selves. One of the projects that's seeming really important to me right now is the renewal of this Fellowship's mission and vision. We had Faithful Conversations in January and February, sharing ideas about what's important. On Saturday everyone is invited to gather from 10 am – 1 pm to review the scribe notes from those conversations and pull out the ideas that recur most often. Please come if you can—building UUFHC's mission and vision together is one of the ways we build trust.

~ Rev. Jaye

The Very Long Arc

Worship Committee
March 2


Do you still believe that the arc of the moral universe does actually bend towards Justice? This morning we will share a sermon by the Rev. Shawn Newton, who explores at least two ways to come at this question. As she notes, The first is evidence-based and the second a question of that that gets to the heart of our beliefs.

The Home We Make

Rev. Jaye Brooks
March 9


The South African Episcopal Archbishop Desmond Tutu said that My humanity is bound in yours, for we can only be human together. The experience of congregation life is bound up in the practice of being human together. Here at UUFHC, the home we make together welcomes all, especially cherishing the many ways our collective diversity expands each individual’s horizons. We gather in community, daring to trust one another, building a home that shelters everyone under a roof of compassion and hope.

A potluck luncheon follows the service
Note: Spring forward—the clock change is today.
Set your clocks forward by one hour so that you arrive on time.

Service for All Ages

Jenn Blosser
March 16


Children and youth are invited to attend worship with their families this Sunday for a special all-ages service. We will be contemplating how caring for others creates trust—even when the act of care seems small. Don't expect to sit still all through service, we'll be singing, dancing, and moving around the Sanctuary to participate in rituals together as well! There will be Worship Packets for families in the Sanctuary that include coloring, sensory toys, and more to help busy hands connect with the service.

I Know This Rose Will Open

Worship Committee
March 23


Spring is a welcome time of renewal; awakening new energy and hope after what was for many of us, a cold harsh season of despair, and for others a much needed time of rest and reflection. Like the tender green shoots emerging bravely from the still chilly soil of our gardens, trusting that the days will grow warmer, join us as we open ourselves to the possibilities of a new season.

A Sacred Trust

Rev. Jaye Brooks
Wednesday, March 30


In the words of youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman, Fear is love trying its best in the dark. Today we explore connections among fear, love, and widening the circle to welcome others in. Widening the circle—for Unitarian Universalists—it’s a sacred trust